NFE in sport

Step 2: Ready, set, go!

It is time to implement the NFE method you have chosen in your sports session. However, work is not over yet! Each phase you will go through, requires certain amount of effort and brings along a to-do-list that should be followed, in order to get some positive outcomes and let the process run smoothly without unpleasant surprises. In order to make it easier for you, we have developed three different maps for you to guide you through and help you facilitate the process successfully. Take a look!


1. Get familiar with the process – you are going to be the leader/facilitator of the activity, so you need to feel comfortable with it, as well as confident enough to support your young athletes. Make sure you totally understand every single step of your NFE method and prepare yourself to answer questions, give clarifications and explain details.

2. Ask for help – the initial idea might have been yours, though it doesn’t mean you have to carry the burden on your own. If you need, ask your colleagues to assist you, support you and help you run the process smoothly.

3. Prepare the required material – many NFE activities require certain materials in order to be implemented. In our case, that might be sports equipment (shirts, balls, cones, elastics, etc.) or items not directly linked to sport activities (chairs, flipcharts, toys, etc.). List everything in advance and bring them with you.

4. Prepare your space – given that you might have chosen an NFE method or activity that needs a special setting, make sure you arrange your space accordingly. It is preferable to do that in advance and not leave it last minute, risking wasting valuable time of your session.

5. Consider any risks – hopefully everything will go perfectly fine. However, you should try to think of any possible risks that might jeopardize this initiative (ex. bad weather, an injury, too many/few athletes etc.). It is important to be prepared and minimize the likelihood of these risks as much as possible.

6. Plan B – fingers crossed that everything will be great! But what if it doesn’t? Having alternatives will give you extra confidence and will release stress, as well as offer you a precious way out if something goes wrong.