NFE in sport
Methodologies and examples – ARE YOU THE ONE?
Methodologies and examples – ARE YOU THE ONE?
Duration: 45 minutes
Target Group: Over 8 years old – applicable to all sports
Group size: At least 10 people
Human resources: One facilitator
Space requirements: Open space (court, large room or opendoors)
Materials required: Cones, chairs or other items that can be used as “obstacles”
– Balls (equal to the number of participants)
– Duct tape
– Set of role cards (equal to the number of participants)

Session Objectives:
• to explore the effects of exclusive grouping on an individual or a group of people
• to explore how we react to experiences of rejection and what it feels like to belong to a group
• to offer overall knowledge about the definition of inclusion, exclusion and integration
Step 1 (preparation before the activity):
Prepare your space/materials:
• prepare role cards equal to the number of players. The role cards will divide the players in two teams: TEAM A and TEAM B. Some role cards will have an additional comment, such as:
– TEAM A – deaf person
– TEAM B – person with one leg
– TEAM A – blind person
– TEAM B – person who doesn’t know the language
– TEAM A – old person, etc.
There should be at least 3 players with additional characteristics in every group of 10 players. You can adjust them accordingly or add/invent new characteristics.
• draw a straight line on the ground using the duck tape and a similar one to the other side of the field. The lines will serve as a starting point and finish line for your game.
• put the cones/chairs/items in the space between the lines in an unstructured way to make it difficult to the players to walk straight from one line to the other.
Step 2 (10 minutes):
Explain the activity:
• give one ball to each player.
• randomly distribute the role cards to the players, who should keep their role (and the special characteristic) in secret. The facilitator should not reveal that there are any special roles.
• the goal of the game is for the players to manage to reach the finish line by walking the distance between the lines.
• Players are not allowed to touch, move or pass over the obstacles, unless the facilitator says so.
• The players need to follow the orders of the facilitator and stop immediately when the facilitator claps hands.
• Players are set behind the starting line and get ready to follow the orders. Those who have special roles are supposed to behave exactly as their role requires.
Step 3 (20 minutes):
The facilitator asks the players to start walking while making different moves (hitting the ball on the ground, holding the ball in the right/left hand, pushing the ball with their feet etc.). Every time the facilitator claps, the players need to stop and follow the next order.
Debriefing: (15 minutes)
The idea of this activity is not winning, therefore there is players are not expected to really reach the finish line. It is for them to realize how it feels to belong to a group or be excluded for any reason. After the activity is over, the group should start the debriefing process:
• What did you think of this activity? Did you notice anything awkward while playing?
• Who do you think had a special role and what was that?
• How did you react when (if) you noticed? Did you do anything to support your colleagues?
• To those with special roles, did you enjoy the game? Did you find it difficult to follow? How did you feel? Why?
• Have you ever experienced something similar while playing sports? Did you react or help those in need?
These questions are only indicatory – you can change them, add or eliminate some, as you wish.