sport in nfe
Brief overview: This is a standard “True or false” quiz with a twist based on the football drills with using agility cones. Participants are divided in two groups and compete in a “True of False” quiz on the topic of sports in different European countries. The twist is the obstacle created with plastic agility cones in which the members of the opposed team compete and the one who wins each drill (do the obstacle faster) gets to answer the question.
Category of competence:
– Communication in your own / foreign language
– Social and civic competences, equality in sports activities
– Cultural awareness, intercultural dialogue in sports
Duration: 90 minutes
Target group: Y12+
Participants: the game is adjustable to different number of participants, minimum is 8 people.
Materials and setting:
– Flipchart, markers
– Minimum of 12 agility cones
– 2 balls for football of smaller plastic balls if the game is played inside

Create a quiz with a sufficient number of questions, at least double of the number of participants, so everyone can play at least twice. The questions should be designed in such a manner to check the knowledge the youth have on the achievements and diversity in the long history of the European sports. The questions have to be clear and easily answered with “True” or “False”. The goal is to encourage the dialogue and interest in this topic.
Step-by-step instructions for implementing this method.
Detailed description:
Step 01 – Divide the participants in two teams. Make sure there is equal distribution of male/female participants per team. Also, check if there are any football players and ensure equal distribution. (5 min)
Step 02 – Set up the 2 rows of agility cones with equal space between each cone. Do it so the participant can lead the ball switching to different side after passing every cone. It is called slalom drill. Explain the teams the goal is to do the slalom faster from the opponent. (5 min)
Step 03 – Let the participants play the game. It is played in couples from different team participants. The winner of each game gets to answer the question with “True” or “False”. If the answer is wrong the opposite team get a point. (50 min)
Step 04 – Debriefing (20 min):
Lead the discussion with the participants after the games. Ask questions like the following.
– Did you like the game?
– How did you perceive the behavior of other participants?
– Could you adapt the communication with them and how?
– What and how did you learn?
– Did the topic made you curious to learn more about it?