NFE in sport
Duration: 60 minutes
Target group: Over 16 years old – applicable to all sports
Group size: 10 – 30
Human resources: One facilitator
Space requirements: Open space (court, large room or opendoors)
Materials required:
- One long piece of thin string/ribbon
- Role cards
- Printed statements
Session Objectives:
• To fight fear and ignorance
• To foster empathy towards others
• To enhance intercultural dialogue
Step 1 (10 minutes):
Explain the game:
• Participants will get one role card each. They should try to envision that persona and get into the role.
- These could be some possible roles:
- You are a Muslim athlete living in a country where the majority of people are Christians.
- You belong to a minority with limited financial capacities.
- In your city there are no sports fields or halls.
- You are the only black person in your sports team.
- You have just moved to Greece from Serbia.
- You come from Africa and you have never had the chance to learn any sport at school.
- You come from a small village in Namibia.
- You are going in a sports school in the capital of your country, enjoying a scholarship for basketball.
These questions are only indicatory – you can change them, add or eliminate some, as you wish.
• Participants line up at the start. The first person in line holds one end of the string, and each person that follows keeps hold of the string as well, so that they are eventually “joined” together along the string.
• Explain that you will read some statements and each participant should take a step forward (while holding the string) every time their role agrees with that statement.
Step 2 (40 minutes):
Start the activity:
• Do some stretches, so that participants can relax and feel warm and calm.
• Ask participants to pick a role card, read it and not share with the rest of the group. Give them a few moments to reflect on their role and try to get into it.
Read out the statements:
- In your culture you are allowed to wear everything you like.
- You have never felt discriminated because of your origin.
- Sports are very important and highly promoted in your country.
- You have never felt lonely or isolated in a team.
- There are adequate sport facilities in your city.
- You can afford to buy all sports equipment you need for your trainings.
- You can afford to buy new training shoes every year.
- You can perfectly understand and fluently speak the language of the country you live in.
- People know almost everything about your culture, the customs and traditions.
These statements are only indicatory – you can change them, add or eliminate some, as you wish.
* There is a high chance that while moving, the string breaks or participants start complaining/arguing about breaking the string. Observing their reactions (and later reflecting on them) is part of the process.
Debriefing: (10 minutes)
After the activity is over, the group should start the debriefing process:
• How did they feel about receiving their roles? Have they met anyone in the same situation while practicing sports?
• How did they feel about stepping forward or staying still?
• Can they guess each other’s roles? Time to reveal them!
• Have they felt that their rights have been disrespected or that they didn’t have access to them?
These questions are only indicatory – you can change them, add or eliminate some, as you wish.