NFE in sport
The learning cycle
Non-formal education can be quite complex and challenging both for the participants and for the facilitators, trainers or sports providers. And this is how it should be, as the idea is to stimulate the target audience in multiple ways, to guide them through all stages of the learning process, to let them enjoy the journey, interact with one another and eventually turn this experience into pure knowledge, already digested and settled in their minds and souls. Only then will they be able to reflect and appreciate the outcomes and feel confident enough to further transfer the knowledge they acquired and multiply the results of their effort. This learning process has no defined beginning or end. It is an ongoing circle where one phase follows the other, providing the participants with a unique experience of learning and absorbed knowledge.

So, which methods, tools and techniques belong to each phase of learning? And how they can apply in sports? There you go!
• EXPERIENCING: simulation, role play, team building, ice breakers, energizers etc.
• APPLYING: case studies, problem solving activities, role play, presentations, etc.
• GENERALIZING: sharing experiences, storytelling, discussion, real life examples etc.
• REFLECTING: evaluation, reflection groups, results analysis, debriefing, evaluation sheets, post-game analysis etc.
After all this knowledge…you are now ready to thrive! Let theory aside and let’s jump into practice!