sport in nfe
Brief overview: Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the stereotypes and prejudices through exercise based on bowling. They will try to put on the shoes of their peers with fewer opportunities.
Category of competences:
– Communication skills
– Accepting differences
– Learning about equal opportunities
– Empathy and tolerance
Duration: 90 minutes
Target group: Y14+
Participants: 20 participants
Materials and setting:
– Bowling alley
– Bowling equipment
– Blind folds
– Flipchart paper and markers

Be sure that everyone is familiar with the rules of bowling and adequately equipped. Since participants will be playing with blindfolds the place should be secure for this kind of activity.
Step-by-step instructions for implementing this method.
Step 01 – Divide a group in two. Tell them that the task is to win the bowling game against other team but this time with blindfolds on. Only one team member can be left without the blindfold, but this player is not participating. He/she can only comment and navigate when needed. Give the groups time to prepare (20 min)
Step 02 – Let the participants play the game. The points should be collected as usually in bowling. The navigator can change places with one of the players at some point (40 min)
Step 03 – Debriefing (30 min):
Lead the discussion with the participants after the games. Ask questions like the following.
– How did you feel during the activity?
– What happened during the game, what where the interesting moments?
– How did it feel to play without the eye sight?
– What were the major challenges for the players?
– Can you imagine how it is for blind people?
– Do you have now more understanding for the challenges they are facing in their lives?
– Was the “voice” (navigator) useful? Who are the voices of the blind in the real world?
– Can people with fewer opportunities and physical obstacles participate equally in all sports?
– How can we change the rules of the game to include more people in sports and other society segments?
Step 04 – Explain to participants what empathy is. Give them the handout about tolerance and empathy and let them discuss in plenary about it through looking for the real-life examples.